
Phone: 2273 – 3741
Cellphone: 8729 – 1340

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Design Workshops

We’ll help you define your own style.
Interior Design focused workshops that go on different times a year, to be determined

Online: 1 hour

In person: 2 hours

The topics to be studied are announced on social media.
Place and cost to be determined.

Design Shopper

We’ll go shopping together for 4 hours, for a specific area of your house. First, you’ll need to send pictures and/or videos of the spaces in your house that you need consulting for. After that, we’ll schedule the shopping day and we’re ready to go!

Window Display

It’s the creative way of displaying products in commercial spaces, such as stores. Resulting, in this way, more attractive for the clients and an increase in sales. It can be done monthly, for special occasions and dates, by season or launching of new products.

Do you want more information?